Project one - Color
The color project is to bring out the simple concept upon how color could reflect a mens thought an their belief on politics and ways of life. I created three panels of chinese calligraphy paintings, which all carried a different color. Each is to represent different political groups. China's communist as red, taiwan's DPP as green and blue as the KMT. While the chines words above states my question for each of the groups. Is PRC ( communist china ) the only china? what is china. Did KMT fail to bring forward what was expected from them from our forefathers? How will DPP prove to the people that they are no longer corrupted. These are the things represented within the panels. As it is placed by a window. The light shines upon the question. The library acts like a container, a container of knowledge, that might have an answer or provide a place for people with knowledge to answer these questions.
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