Monday, 7 April 2014

in the white darkness by Reiner Strasser on January 2004

In the white darkness by Reiner Strasser looks into the mind of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease patience. It recreates the feeling one get when they are loosing memory. Through the over lay of sounds of images one could grasp the feel of memory loss. Some images slowly fade out, some are a fragment of a larger image, some vibrates as one sees it. It creates an experience, a lost of time and space. They are all stringed together with lines between dots. This very much resembles a mind map which helps one to organize their thought but interestingly enough, it is about the process of loosing memory. There is some form of irony with the way the work is presented. It feels like one is trying to piece their thoughts together but in veil as they are all so fragmented, scattered and unrecognizable. The word "Déjà vu " pops out when you click on one of the dots. The idea of remembering but not really accessing, recognizing but not really knowing. I believe the images and the way it is handled very much carries it meaning. I do kind of hope that more could have been done with the boarders of the image. They might not necessarily have to be an rectangle image but could be rounded, fragmented, or deformed. The rectangular pictures does seem a little constrained. 

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