Monday, 7 April 2014

“Tech-TOC:Complex Temporalities and Contemporary Technogenesis”

In this chapter, Hayles focused a lot on the book/Narrative program TOC. From the description it seem like a interesting read that plays with the concept of time. The way that one captures time and moving with the narrative itself. They seem to be in fragments but slowly pieces up the story. TOC, which also stands for technotex as Hayles put it, which contains the complicated relation with time that also consists the large themes of the story. In the presentation of the program itself it seem to be in fragments that goes back and forth within the narration. It seem as a interesting interaction between the program it self and the reader/User that is looking through it. The book itself seem very interesting with the capability to evoke different feelings and situations as one move along through it. The main topic of it is a struggle that we face every day. The concept of time and how it seem like it could only move in one direction. Even in math and physics, there seem to only have proven way to move forward in time but not back in time. I really enjoyed the quote below. 

“humans construct time through measuring devices, but these measuring devices also construct humans through their regulation of temporal processes. The resulting human-technical hybridization in effect conflates spatialized time with temporal duration.”(116)

It is, that as we move day by day, we are aware of time in some sense. We lear n to live with it and grow with it. It integrates itself into our lives. Time is always has a unique play in life.

“virtuality a work that is more abstract than concretized and that consequently possesses a large reservoir of possibilities that may be actualized as the technological milieu progresses and as technical objects proliferate, exploring ways to achieve greater integration”(120)

Like the many works we discussed in class, most of them always seem like there is a lack in something. maybe the coding, maybe the way it is presented, maybe the way the art is executed. However, like what Hayles is saying here. I feel the same. They move us forward. move this art form forward. They may not reach the perfect realms of other form of art but it sure moved digital poetry into a new ground.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you make sense of Hayles, make useful thought from what you read.
